Sign up for the OSS Trust Graph private beta!

The OSS Trust Graph, a new capability of Trusty, is a way to model trust in open source ecosystems.

We are inviting a limited number of developers, security researchers, and community members to test and provide feedback on the OSS Trust Graph while it is in private beta. Use the form below to sign up for the OSS Trust Graph private beta. (Please note that registration does not guarantee that you will get access.)

The OSS Trust Graph maps the connections between open source contributors and projects, and, through a “proof-of-diligence” algorithm, uses that data to build an understanding of the relative safety and sustainability of those projects. 

It can be used to:

  • Identify malicious activity: Identify when a number of relatively unknown individuals start to contribute to the same project, or when the behavior of a maintainer changes

  • Identify open source projects that need support: Identify when a high-contributing maintainer leaves a project, leaving it vulnerable; or when a high-scoring project has a low number of maintainers and could benefit from support and funding